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- Economic theory

- Economics and national economy

- Finance, money circulation and credit


Political science:

- Political institutions, processes and technologies

- Political problems of international relations, global and regional development

- Conflict Management



- Economic sociology and demography

- Social structure, social institutions and processes

- Sociology of Management


All the scientific articles entering the editorial office of the journal must meet the following requirements: a) the article should be written in compliance with the established requirements of the journal; b) the article should be the result of scientific research; c) the article must correspond to one of the areas (sections) of the journal.

All the materials coming to the editorial board are checked for borrowings from open sources (plagiarism) and the verification is performed using the Antiplagiat system. Articles containing elements of plagiarism are automatically withdrawn from the consideration, and the authors are deprived of the opportunity to publish their work in the journal. Requirements for the design of the scientific articles:

The article should be prepared in Microsoft Word format, font – Times New Roman, size – 14, fields – 2.5 cm from all directions, interval – 1.5.

The volume of the article (including the annotation and the list of references) should be in the range of 10 to 12 pages of A4 format.

The article should have the following structure: – UDC index (the index can be obtained in any scientific library);

– the title of the article;

– the surname and initials of the author (for example, Sharipov D.M.);

– the name of the organization in which the author of the article is working;

– the main text of the article;

– the list of the used literature (no less than 10 and not more than 25 titles of scientific literature). References are made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003 and GOST 7.0.5 – 2008;

– the title of the article, abstract and key words are made in three languages (Tajik, Russian and English). Annotation is made in the volume of at least 150-200 words, keywords from 7 to 10 words or phrases;

– Information about the author in Tajik, Russian and English languages. Here the author's full name, academic degree, academic title (if any), the name of the organization in which the author works (authors), the position of the author (authors) in the organization, phone, e-mail, and the postal address of the author's work are indicated.

When citing a particular material, references are indicated in square brackets []. Sample: [4, p.25]. That is, the literature number 4 and page 25.

Tables, schemes, diagrams and figures must be grouped and numbered. Tables, charts, diagrams and figures should have a name both in the language of the article and in English.




Series of geological and technical Sciences

Scientific edition " SCIENCE AND INNOVATION" is a scientific publication, which publishes the basic scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Science. The magazine contains scientific articles faculty, graduate students, doctoral candidates of the Tajik National University and other higher educational institutions of foreign republic and abroad.

The main content of the publication is a scientific article. Edition releases 6 issues per year and comes with a frequency of at least 12 issues per 2 yearы. The name and contents of publication headings corresponding to fields of science and specialty groups of scientists in accordance with the nomenclature of scientific specialties, which are awarded academic degrees, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2015, №114 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 21 April 2015, registration №36946).

The publication shall review all incoming materials to the editor corresponding to its category, with a view to peer review. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have the appropriate publication. Publishing Edition sends to the authors of submissions or copies of reviews of a reasoned refusal.

The publication is registered in the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) RISC and provides information on published scientific articles published editions. The electronic archive is presented on the magazine's website. Contents are also represented in the Russian Science Citation Index (SEL eLIBRARY.RU) in the form of metadata. On the magazine's website all the materials are in the public domain.
The composition of the editorial board consists of 10 doctors and 3 candidates from among scientific and pedagogical workers. All members of the editorial board are recognized experts.

All published research papers have bibliographies, drawn up in accordance with the rules of publication.

All published scientific articles have keywords and annotations in Tajik, Russian and English languages.

The magazine has an international Standard Serial Number (ISSN 2664-1534).


-Geological Sciences;

- Technical Sciences.



Articles submitted to the editorial board of the journal undergo preliminary examination (carried out by members of the editorial board — specialists in the relevant field of science) and are accepted in the prescribed manner. Requirements for the design of the original articles are given in each issue of the journal.

If the manuscript is accepted, the editorial office informs the author of comments on the content and design of the article, which must be eliminated before the text is submitted for review.

Then the articles are reviewed without fail by members of the editorial board of the journal or by experts of the corresponding specialty (candidates and doctors of sciences).

The review should contain a reasonable listing of the qualities of the article, including the scientific novelty of the problem, its relevance, factual and historical value, accuracy of citation, presentation style, the use of modern sources, as well as a reasoned listing of its shortcomings. In conclusion, a general assessment of the article and recommendations for the editorial board are given - to publish the article, publish it after revision, send it to an expert on a specific topic for additional review or reject it. The volume of the review is at least one page of text.

An article accepted for publication, but in need of improvement, is sent to the authors with the comments of the reviewer and editor. Authors should make all necessary corrections to the final version of the manuscript and return the revised text, as well as its identical electronic version together with the original version of the manuscript, to the editor. After revision, the article is re-reviewed, and the editorial board decides to publish it. The editors of the journal send the authors of the submitted materials copies of reviews with a positive conclusion, comments and the need to modify the article or a reasoned refusal.

An article is considered accepted for publication if there is a positive review and if it was supported by members of the editorial board. The order and priority of publication of an article is determined depending on the date of receipt of its final version.

Manuscript review is confidential. The disclosure of confidential details of manuscript review violates the rights of the author. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their needs.

Reviewers, as well as members of the editorial board, are not entitled to use in their own interests the information contained in the manuscript prior to its publication.

Reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.

The editors of the journal send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of the corresponding request by the editors.



Khushvakhtzoda Qobiljon Khushvakht 

Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor, rector of the Tajik National University


Safarmamadov Safarmamad Muborakshoevich

Doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector for science of the Tajik National University


Alidodov Bakhshidod Alidodovich


Komilov Odina Komilovich

Candidate of geological and mineralogical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Mineralogy and petrography, Deputy Dean of the faculty of Geology of the Tajik National University

Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of hydrogeology and engineering of Geology of the faculty of Geology of the Tajik National University


Valiev Sharif Fayzulloevich


Doctor of geological and mineralogical Sciences, acting Professor, Dean of the faculty of Geology of the Tajik National University


Kobuliev Zaynalobuddin Valievich


Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member. Director of the Institute of water problems, hydropower and ecology of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan


Abdurahimov Sadriddin Yaminovich


Doctor of geological and mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of physical geography, faculty of Geoecology of Khujand State University named after B. Gafurov


Karimov Farshed Hilolovich


Doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geology and exploration of MPI of the geological faculty of the Tajik National University


Usupaev Sheyshenali Eshmanbetovich


Doctor of geological and mineralogical Sciences, Professor, leading researcher of the Central Asian Institute of Earth Research of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan


Hakimov Firdavs Kholiqovich


Doctor of geological and mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geology and mining management of the Tajik National University


Ikromov Ismonqul Istamovich


Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of melioration, recultivation and land protection of Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shotemur


Ruziev Jura Rahimnazarovich


Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of applied chemistry of Tajik National University


Samihov Shonavruz Rahimovich


Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of high-molecular compounds and chemical technology of the Tajik National University


Ospanova Narima Kajenovna


Doctor of geological and mineralogical Sciences, chief researcher of the laboratory of paleontology and stratigraphy of the Institute of Geology, earthquake-resistant construction and seismology of the Academy of Sciences of Russian Federation


Sabirov Abduvohid Abduhamidovich


Candidate of geological and mineralogical Sciences, head of the laboratory of paleontology and stratigraphy of the Institute of Geology, earthquake-resistant construction and seismology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan


Niyozov Ansor Sohibovich


Candidate of geological and mineralogical Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of engineering geodesy and cartography of the faculty of construction and architecture of the Tajik Technical University named after M. S. Osimi


Gayratov Malikdod Topolangovich


Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of hydrogeology and engineering of Geology of the faculty of Geology of the Tajik National University




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